Student Life
Be an active part of Dragon life where people are helpful, friendly and have all of the resources to be the best in all aspects of your life. You are writing the book of “you,” creating lasting memories, challenging yourself, meeting new people, continuously learning and most importantly creating your path towards a bright future.
As a student of learning, you must set high expectations for yourself. We challenge students to identify their own set of goals to achieve success. Each student is different but maintaining an academic commitment to excellence is a constant.
Throughout our decades of combined experience, our staff understands the importance of balancing clear and action-oriented instruction with self-ownership among students. Even the most gifted Chandler, AZ, teachers and perfect curricula are not magic wands for disengaged or discouraged students. Through our use of blended learning models, Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS), and staff leading by example, this creates the right environment for students and propels them toward success.
We support our students in this approach by providing a rigorous academic program with a positive culture of achievement. Each student is encouraged to lead themselves through the U.L.E.A.D. approach, establishing an academic commitment to excellence while in school, and focusing on post-secondary education to make valuable contributions to society.
AZ Compass Prep School understands there is a multitude of ways to start a career, launch a business, or find continued academic pursuits after high school. Rather than pigeonholing students into the same coursework or expecting individuals to have the same strengths, we work with students to help them uncover their interests and curiosities. Whether their desires point towards college, vocational school, overseas intensives, or entrepreneurship, we help them set the foundation for continued success.
To be successful in achieving your goals, you must do the work yourself and take responsibility for the results! Self-ownership can be intimidating and challenging for students at first, as many institutions that support them when they are younger perform a lot of the work for them. We have found that by demonstrating responsibility and making individual student excellence the benchmark, this not only fosters engagement but drives students toward more meaningful results. There is nothing like setting your own goal, mapping out the requirements, and reaching the finish line. AZ Compass Prep wants our learners to understand this process to give them a lifelong advantage and so they see the joy in learning and personal improvement as well.
We encourage our students to speak with their Academic Advisor frequently to help them engage in their present and plan their future.